Advanced Photonic Components Laboratory Website prior to 2024
In 2004, Professor Jacques Albert was awarded a Canada Research Chair in Advanced Photonic Components in the Department of Electronics, Carleton University. The Chair was renewed in 2011 and 2018 for two more 7-year terms.
The Chair’s research program is carried out in a dedicated laboratory funded by several rounds of funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation and the Research Tools and Instruments program of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council.
Research areas: Our area of expertise deals with novel devices and systems based on photonic waveguides made of glass, in fibre or planar configurations. More specifically, we have unique expertise and capabilities for the development of devices based on periodic structures, i.e. “Bragg gratings” , fabricated in our laboratories. Finally our main fields of application lie in the areas of optical sensing for biomedical, environmental, industrial and other engineering applications.
Partnership opportunities: The APClab has a long history of collaborative projects with the private sector, government research centers, and other academic institutions, in Canada and abroad. We are always interested in pursuing great ideas with you!
Student and postodoctoral opportunities: Funding is available for outstanding students interested in pursuing a Masters of Applied Science or PhD degree in experimental fiber optics for sensing. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our University including, but not limited to women; visible minorities; First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples; persons with disabilities; and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity and expressions. Contact Professor Albert for details.
Contact us: The lab is located in the Minto Building, room 5041. The group can be reached by phone: (613)520-2600 x1636
Are you looking for “really good” tilted fiber Bragg gratings? Look no further….
TFBG-Tilted fiber Bragg gratings for all! The APC lab at Carleton is equipped to design, fabricate, measure and simulate a…
More good uses of tilted fiber Bragg gratings (TFBG) from Carleton
Finding the metal-insulator transition of ultra-thin silver films in real time and in situ -Newly graduated (June 2020) Dr. Fu…
So many things you can do with tilted fiber Bragg gratings (TFBG)….
A quick look at publications from 2019-20 so far…. First, for work done entirely or mostly at Carleton: Fu Liu’s…
News from the lab during COVID-19, still lots going on!
A bit more time on my hands… so let’s see what is new since last year. Hannah, Frédéric, and Tingting…