Research avenues
The primary long-term objective of our research program is to develop novel fiber optic-based biosensing technologies implementable in high-performing yet low-cost POC diagnostic instruments. We also explore parallel research avenues that are connected to our primary program either through the core technologies involved or through a similar end-goal.
Research endeavors currently being tackled include the following:
Biomechanical sensing
• Bio-Brillouin spectrometers
• Fiber Bragg grating-based Brillouin and low frequency Raman filters
Biochemical sensing
• Fiber-based DNA amplification and detection
Still early days
• Tilted fiber Bragg grating spectrum analyzers
• Flame spray pyrolysis fiber sensors (collaboration with CU’sEPTL & Prof. Jacques Albert)
Magnon sensing
• Spin wave Brillouin spectrometers
Flame temperature sensing
• Understanding the combustion of nickel tetracarbonyl (collaboration with CU’sEPTL)
Still early days
Optimization of photonic chips
• UV trimming of planar lightwave circuits (collaboration with Enablence Technologies)
Still early days