Mohammad Alresheedi


Degrees:PhD Candidate, M.A. Sc. (2013)

Project Description:

Fouling indices are commonly accepted as useful tools for evaluating the fouling potential of source water prior to membrane processes. My research aims to investigate the impact of variable operating conditions (e.g. water temperature, pressure, and water composition) on fouling indices methods to predict ceramic membrane fouling.


  • International Water Association Membrane Technology Conference (IWA, 2013)
  • American Water Works Association Membrane Technology Conference (AWWA, 2013)
  • Canadian Association on Water Quality Conference (CAWQ, 2012)
  • Publication: “Alresheedi and O.D. Basu (2014). Support media impacts on humic acid, cellulose, and kaolin clay in reducing fouling in a submerged hollow fiber membrane system. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science 450: 282 – 290″