Here are some personal experiences shared by our Fourth Year Undergraduate students on Tanzania Water Project! Think you want to be apart of this amazing experience? If you are interested contact Dr. Basu, at

“This experience has taught me the importance of collaborating with relevant disciplines and partners to develop sustainable solutions. The water issues Longido faces are multifaceted. A multi-lens approach involving community leaders and developers and other disciplines is needed to successfully implement technical engineering solutions”

Meaghan Keon (2017/2018)-Environmental Engineering-

“Through the Tanzania project, I have come to understand that in engineering, there are no generic solutions to most problems. Therefore, it is important to understand the problem, and to explore and adapt the solution. The experiences acquired while working on this project have further complimented my academic skills”

Antish Gopauloo (2016/2017)-Environmental Engineering-

“The Tanzania project was, by far, the highlight of my engineering education. The project not only showed me a real-world perspective to engineering work but also showed me how much of an impact we can have as engineers. By being attentive to specific concerns and adapting designs based on feedback received, we can make a difference in the social development of communities like Longido around the world”

Kelley Murchison  (2016/2017)-Architectural Conservation and Sustainability Engineering-