Peter Hodgins
Associate Professor
Degrees: | B.A. (Ottawa), M.A. (Carleton), Ph.D. (Carleton) |
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x 1167 |
Email: | phodgins@connect.carleton.ca |
Office: | 201B SP |
Research Affiliations
- Research Associate, Carleton Centre for Public History
Research Interests
- The Politics and Poetics of Public Memory in Canada
- Canadian Cultural Nationalism
- Canadian Cultural Studies
- The History of Settler Colonial Intellectuals
Recent Publications
Edited Book
- Settling and Unsettling Memories: Essays in Canadian Public History—Book co-edited with Nicole Neatby (2012) University of Toronto Press.
Chapters in Books
- “A Truly Comic History: Central Canadian Nationalism and the Politics of Memory”, in S. Ferguson and L. Regan Shade (eds), Civic Discourse and Cultural Politics in Canada (Ablex, 2002) pp. 253-264.
- “Editor’s Introduction” in Neatby and Hodgins (eds.) Settling and Unsettling Memories: Essays in Canadian Public History (co-written with Nicole Neatby). pp. 4-37
- “Why Must Halifax Keep Exploding?: English-Canadian Nationalism and the Search for a Usable Disaster”, in Hodgins and Neatby (eds.) Settling and Unsettling Memories: Essays in Canadian Public History. pp. 725-759.
- “Images Desconcertantes: Mémoria, Linguagem, Paiasagem e Identitidade em Mémoires Affectives, de Francis Leclerc in Marcio Bahia et al. Filmes de (An)Amnesia. Faculdade de letras da UFMG, 2009
- “Archibald Lampman’s Lady-Slippers” in Cynthia Sugars and Eleanor Ty (eds.) Canadian Literature and Cultural Memory (Oxford University Press) (accepted/in press).
Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- “Our Haunted Present: Cultural Memory in Question”, in Topia: the Canadian Journal of Canadian Cultural Studies (Fall 2004: vol.12). pp. 99-108
- “The Haunted Terroir: Memory, Language, Landscape and Identity in Francis Leclerc’s Mémoires Affectives”. The British Journal of Canadian Studies 22, 2 (September, 2009), 215-34.
- “Immunize-Nation: Hollywood Contagion and the Heritage Minutes”.The Southern Review of Canadian Studies. (winter/spring 2011)
- “Taking the Romance out of Extraction: contemporary Canadian artists and the subversion of the romantic/extractive gaze” with Peter Thompson. Environmental Communication (Fall 2011)
- “The Haunted Dollhouses of Diana Thorneycroft” Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures (Spring 2011).
- “Make them endure, give them space”: on the loss of academic cynicism” Emotion, Space and Society (in press).
- “Presenting Canada to the Scientific Gaze” International Journal of Canadian Studies: special issue on tourism and middlebrow culture in early 20th century Canada (accepted/in press).
Editorial/Journalistic Writing
- “The Future of Canadian Studies: a GenXer’s Perspective” in CanadaWatch (Robards Centre, York University, Fall 2007). P..20-22.