A Practicum Placement is a part-time student placement in an on- or off-campus work environment.  The student is expected to spend one day or up to ten (10) hours per week with the host institution.  The student earns one half-credit for successful completion of a one-term placement.

A practicum aims to provide a learning experience of a kind not otherwise available in a standard academic setting. A practicum frequently involves exposure to both theory and practice in a given field and the opportunity to consider the application of broader ideas to specific settings.  The choice of practicum should be based on a student’s research interests.

  1. At the undergraduate level, practicums in Canadian Studies are available to those students who have declared Canadian Studies as their Major, Combined Major or Minor program.
  2. At the graduate level, practicums in Canadian Studies are available only to full-time students in the Canadian Studies M.A.Program who have completed at least one full term of study. Only one full credit of practicum experience can be used towards completion of the degree requirements.
  3. Practicum placements are not available to Q-year students.
  4. Practicum credit is not granted for paid employment.

Exceptions to the above restrictions may only be granted by the Graduate or Undergraduate Supervisor in unusual circumstances.


  1. Students interested in practicums should contact the (practicum co-ordinator) (graduate/undergraduate supervisor) during the preceding term to discuss available placements. A student may suggest placement for consideration.  A practicum supervisor in the host institution and an internal academic evaluator must be identified.
  2. Once a placement is agreed to in principle with the (co-ordinator) (supervisor), the practicum Approval Form should be filled in by the student, the host institution supervisor, and the academic evaluator. The approval form will indicate the nature and scope of the practicum activity and the work expected to be completed.  This work may include a formal paper of specified length, a reading and activity log, or some other documentation form.
  3. The completed Practicum Approval Form must be approved by the practicum coordinator at least two (2) weeks before the last day for changes in registration (four- (4) weeks for graduate students).


The evaluation of a practicum is carried out jointly by the host institution supervisor and the academic evaluator. The evaluation will be based on the work completed, as identified in the approval form, and may consider performance during the placement. The following information must also be included in the host institution supervisor’s final report to the academic evaluator:

  • What were the strengths and weaknesses of the student in this internship?
  • To what degree did the student meet your expectations for this internship?
  • What could have been improved?
  • The final report must also assess the work that the student completed.

Evaluation by the host supervisor will be in the category of the following grades:

  • VERY GOOD: A to A- 
  • GOOD: B+ to A-

The university will then assign a letter grade based on the written evaluation received from the host institution.

The final responsibility for the grade rests with the academic evaluator.

A progress report will be submitted at mid-point in the practicum. This will allow any adjustments to the scope of the project to be noted.