David Dean
Degrees: | B.A. (Auckland), M.A. (Auckland), Ph.D. (Cambridge) |
Email: | david.dean@carleton.ca |
Office: | 444 Paterson Hall |
Website: | Browse |
Twitter: | Follow |
David Dean is professor of history and co-ordinator of Carleton’s MA in Public History program. He researches on museums, performance, theatre and film. David has published articles in journals such as The Public Historian, Museum & Society, Re-thinking History and Memoria e Ricerca. He was guest editor of Museums as Sites for Historical Understanding, Peace, and Social Justice: Views from Canada (a special issue of Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology (2013), co-edited History, Memory, Performance (2015) and has edited The Companion to Public History (forthcoming, 2017). David is on the Steering Committee of the International Federation for Public History (IFPH) and is co-editor, with Andreas Etges, of their new journal, International Public History. From 2006 to 2012 David was Company Historian to the National Art Centres English Theatre and he is a long-standing activist with Ottawa’s Workers’ History Museum, leading their most recent project, Capital History Kiosks.