Carleton International provides access to a variety of research mobility programs for faculty, students, and postdoctoral fellows.

Oftentimes, we receive invitations for outbound mobility directly from research organizations and other universities around the world. These opportunities are posted below.

Please note: while we encourage members of the Carleton community to apply, they are not coordinated by Carleton International.

Those looking to conduct research in Europe can also use the EURAXESS interactive portal to find new opportunities. With 43 European countries and 9 worldwide hubs, EURAXESS is the largest pan-European initiative to foster mobility and career development.

As a free suite of services offered by the EU, it has been eye-opening to see how EURAXESS has helped researchers in Canada connect with partners in Europe and join collaborative projects, bringing together innovators on both sides of the Atlantic and across fields.

I highly encourage the Carleton community to start by subscribing to our bimonthly flashnote emails.

– Dr. Derya Buyuktanir Karacan
Regional Coordinator, EURAXESS North America

For any questions, please contact:

International Projects Coordinator
Carleton International