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Welcome to the Canadian Labour Productivity Platform

Labour productivity measures the efficiency of workers in producing goods and services. It is an important indicator of economic performance for a variety of reasons and a key determinant of economic prosperity. Labour productivity is closely linked to businesses’ costs of production (unit labour cost), international competitiveness, the output gap, and inflationary pressures in the economy. Over longer time horizons labour productivity is also tied to wages and the average standard of living.

About the Project

CLaPP is a Carleton University project led by the Department of Economics with collaborative support from the Bank of Canada. This platform provides data on Canadian labour productivity from Statistics Canada which is updated when the data are released. A distinguishing feature of CLaPP is that it provides both aggregate and disaggregated (sectoral/regional) labour productivity data alongside with rich visualizations.

How to Cite CLaPP Data

“CLaPP – Carleton University. Data Source: Statistics Canada.”