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ICCJ Winter Colloquium

Hosted by producer sava saheli singh

Thursday, March 26th, 2020
Noon – 1:30pm
Loeb D492


In light of recent surveillance developments — social media breaches, smart city projects, workplace monitoring — we need to consider the implications and critically examine the logics and practices within big data systems that underpin, enable, and accelerate surveillance.

As part of an international multiphase project on Big Data Surveillance, in 2018- 2019 the Surveillance Studies Centre, led by sava saheli singh, produced three short films speculating surveillance futures and the effects of deeply embedded and connected surveillant systems on our everyday lives. Intended as public education tools to spark discussion and extend understandings of surveillance, trust, and privacy in the digital age, each film focuses on a different aspect of big data surveillance and the tensions that manifest when the human is interpreted by the machine.

Each film is approximately 12-15 minutes long; they are:

Blaxites follows the story of a young woman whose celebratory social media post affects her access to vital medication. Her attempts to circumvent the system lead to even more dire consequences.

In A Model Employee, an aspiring DJ has to wear a tracking wristband to keep her day job at a local restaurant. To her annoyance, it tracks her life during and outside of work, even using location-based surveillance to nudge her. She figures out a way to fool the system, but a new device upgrade means trouble.

In Frames, a smart city tracks and analyzes a woman walking through the city. Things she does are interpreted and logged by the city system, but are they drawing an accurate picture of the woman?

The films raise issues in our understandings of trust and surveilled relations. Blaxites, highlights issues that arise when different data systems are connected; A Model Employee examines data ownership and the need to earn a system’s trust; and Frames highlights the problems in trusting sensor data and facial recognition to interpret human behavior.

sava is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ottawa researching young people’s media use in terms of their dis/connection with media and technology. Previously, as a postdoctoral fellow with the Surveillance Studies Centre (SSC) at Queen’s University, she conceptualized and co-produced ‘Screening Surveillance’ – three short near-future fiction films that call attention to the potential human consequences of big data surveillance. Specifically, this project extends existing SSC work to examine the intersections and implications of big data systems, risk, and surveillance. Previously, sava completed her PhD on Academic Twitter from New York University’s Educational Communication and Technology program.