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Honours Thesis

CRCJ 4908 [1.0 credit] Honours Thesis

The Honours Thesis is not compulsory for completion of the Honours BA in Criminology & Criminal Justice. Students not completing CRCJ 4908 must instead complete 1.0 credit of approved CCJ Electives at the 4000-level.

Though it is not compulsory, it is however good experience/practice for students who hope to go on to graduate studies and/or careers involving data analysis. It is sometimes required for admission to some Masters programs.

The Honours Thesis is a full-credit course conducted under the direct supervision of a faculty advisor from Criminology & Criminal Justice, Law and Legal Studies, or Sociology and Anthropology. Workshops/seminars are scheduled during the year. It involves doing original research, data collection, data analysis and a summary of the results and implications. The resulting essay is marked by the supervisor and reviewed by the Institute Director.

Prerequisite(s): Fourth-year standing in the B.A. Honours program in Criminology and Criminal Justice with a CGPA of 10.00 or better in the Major and/or permission of the Institute.

You will find more details in this Information Handout.

You can find previously completed Honours Theses in the CRCJ 4908 archives.

Information Session Presentation:

November 15th 2023 Honours Thesis Info Session presentation