About CRIW

The Centre for Research on Inclusion at Work (CRIW) is a research centre at the Sprott School of BusinessCarleton University. The Centre is focused on conducting, supporting and sharing research that advances equity, diversity, and inclusion at work. By bringing scholars together, and connecting academia with the broader community, CRIW aims to advance knowledge and drive change towards more inclusive workplaces that welcome and support the participation of all people.

CRIW is an inclusive space, welcoming those of all backgrounds, identities, disciplines, and methodological approaches and paradigms. The Centre welcomes the participation and involvement of Sprott and non-Sprott researchers, as well as businesses, government, non-profits and others in the broader community.


Founded in 1992 by  Dr. Lorraine Dyke, the Centre  – originally titled the Centre for Research and Education on Women and Work (CREWW) – functioned mainly as a vehicle delivering management development education for women, and conducting research on issues related to women at work. Throughout its first 27 years, CREWW championed the advancement of women, with the belief that greater participation of all peoples leads to creativity and innovation at work.

In 2017 CREWW merged with Carleton’s Centre for Women in Politics and Public Leadership (CWPPL) to allow the two centres to more effectively advance female leadership.

In the fall of 2019, the Centre made significant changes. In its pursuit of being on the forefront of advancing knowledge on equity and inclusion at work, while recognizing changes in gender concepts and market demands for women’s education, the Centre re-oriented its focus, reducing its education component and updating its mission to conduct and publicize research that advances diversity, equity and inclusion at work more broadly.

No longer focusing solely on women, the Centre changed its name to Centre for Research on Inclusion at Work (CRIW), now concentrating on research about the inclusion of all equity-deserving populations at work, including Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC), immigrants, women, individuals with disabilities, Two Spirit, trans man, trans woman, nonbinary, agender, gender variant, gender fluid, intersex, or asexual persons (2SLGBTQIA+) and youth, among others.


Dr. Angela Dionisi, Associate Professor of Management at the Sprott School of Business, has an established expertise in organizational behaviour, workplace mistreatment and leadership. Her research focuses broadly on the areas of workplace mistreatment and leadership. Much of her research is focused on the impact of workplace sexual harassment on targets, and those with close relationships to them. She is particularly concerned with how negative workplace dynamics may uniquely affect historically underserved groups. Most recently, she has been expanding her research area to examine workplace mistreatment encountered by individuals living with disabilities. Through her research she aims to generate knowledge that can be used to foster healthier, more inclusive workplace environments.

Dr. Dionisi seeks to continue CRIW’s efforts in fostering a sense of community among those studying issues pertinent to workplace inclusion. She is focused on strengthening CRIW’s academic and community networks and increasing the Centre’s research presence and relevance to multiple stakeholders.

Dr. Daniel Gulanowski, Assistant Professor at the Sprott School of Business, has completed research and knowledge mobilization that advances equity, diversity, and inclusion through studying immigrants’ adjustment and labour market integration in reference to expatriates, refugees, or international students. Dr. Gulanowski is eager to contribute to our centre’s continued success, growth, and development of research collaborations.

Dr. Angela Dionisi, Director, CRIW and Associate Professor of Management, Sprott School of Business

Headshot of Daniel Gulanowski. He is wearing a black suit with a white dress shirt and blue-striped tie.

Dr. Daniel Gulanowski, Associate Director, CRIW and Assistant Professor, Sprott School of Business

Mission and Values

Our mission

To conduct and share research that advances diversity, equity and inclusion at work.

Our values

Creative Connected Caring Inclusive
We encourage others to pursue a broad range of research interests and seek innovative solutions towards more inclusive workplaces. We nurture relationships within academia and with community members to advance knowledge and drive change. We create a supportive environment to stimulate collaboration among graduate students, academics, staff and the general community. We strive to be inclusive of people, academic disciplines, research methods and research paradigms.