Yaprak Baltacıoğlu
Secretary of the Treasury Board
Accomplished public servant Yaprak Baltacıoğlu graduated with a master’s degree from Carleton’s School of Public Administration in 1989. She was appointed Secretary of the Treasury Board in 2012.
“My favourite professor Sharon Sutherland taught me how large organizations work, how government works and the basic principles of public administration,” says Baltacıoğlu. “She taught me many of the values that I still use in my job every day.”
“I look back now, 25 years later, at an incredible career and have to thank Carleton. It changed my life.”
Baltacıoğlu served as deputy minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities from 2009 to 2012 and as deputy minister of Agriculture and Agri Food Canada from 2007 to 2009.
She spent four years at the Privy Council Office, first as Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet (Social Development Policy) and then as Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations).
In these roles, she provided advice and support to the prime minister and cabinet on the full range of government operations and domestic policy issues.
Since joining the public service in 1989, Baltacıoğlu has also worked at the Public Service Commission of Canada and Environment Canada, the latter as both Director General for Strategic Policy and International Relations.
She obtained a Bachelor of Law degree from Istanbul University.