Posts sorted by News
Procurement Planning 2023-24
As a reminder to all RPC Heads and those involved in developing your Budget Submission for 2023-24, please give thoughtful…
Limited Tendering Exceptions
Community members should be aware that Limited Tendering Exceptions are only to be used under exceptional circumstances and are not…
eShop Upgrade Coming November 7th
eShop will be undergoing a regularly scheduled upgrade from November 4th (9pm) – November 6th (12pm). On Monday, November 7th,…
the CUrb - Carleton University Reuse Base
Procurement Services is excited to announce the launch of the CUrb - the Carleton University Reuse Base, formerly known as…
Procurement Services Achieves Green Certification in CU Green Workplace Program
We are proud to announce that Procurement Services has achieved Green Certification for Sustainability’s Green Workplace Program on June 2022. …
COVID-19 Update for Procurement Services Operations
Effective May 1st, 2022 Like other universities in Ontario, Carleton University will suspend its proof of vaccination requirements for participation…
Protecting your Procurement Card from Fraud
Procurement Services has become aware of recent reports of fraudulent activity on Procurement Cards. To keep Procurement Cardholder accounts safe,…
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