Honours Research Thesis (ENSC 4906)
Undergraduate Research Courses for Credit
Students may register in the following courses as part of your degree. To find a supervisor, visit the website of Faculty in Environmental Science and related disciplines to learn more about their research programs. and approach a professor or adjunct to discuss research opportunities in their lab as part of an Undergraduate Research Course for credit. Once you have reached arranged a supervisor, email the completed ENSC 4906 Registration Form must be submitted to environmentalscience@carleton.ca for permission to register.
- ENSC 4901 Directed Special Studies [0.5 credit] (up to 1.0 credit of Directed Study may be completed)
- ENSC 4906 Honours Research Project [1.0 credit]
Directed Study-ENSC 4901
Independent or group study, for fourth-year students to explore a particular project, in consultation with a Faculty supervisor. May include directed reading, written assignments, tutorials, laboratory or field work.
Thesis/Capstone Courses – ENSC 4906
What are Thesis/Capstone courses, and how do these courses differ from a regular course?
An independent investigation into an aspect of environmental science supervised by a member of the faculty. Projects will include experimental design, data collection\analysis, undertaken in the field and/or the laboratory.
On graduating with a B.Sc. Honours designation, you are expected to be a critical thinker (quantitatively, analytically, and in argument) and to be an effective oral and written science communicator. Thesis/Capstone is the ‘final assignment’, designed to prepare you for the B.Sc. Honours degree.
Thesis/Capstone courses are two-term courses (Fall & Winter, or Early & Late Summer). Students should plan on average 10 hrs./week towards your capstone course.
Fall Term, 3rd Year
In the fall term of your 3rd year, students may begin researching and approaching potential supervisors.
Starting this early gives you three advantages:
- Provides you an opportunity to discuss with your potential supervisor whether you should register for a specific course that would benefit your research (or is required by some supervisors) for example; ENSC 4901 during the winter term, of your 3rd year. These Directed Topics courses are an excellent opportunity to obtain a background literature review of your intended thesis topic – before you actually start your thesis. Similarly, these courses could be used to train you in specific skill sets necessary for your thesis, or it can be used to develop a detailed research proposal. If your thesis involves summer field work, a directed topics course could be used to develop a summer research proposal.
- Provides you an opportunity to apply for a NSERC Summer Research Fellowship with your potential supervisor. Applications are due in January, hence the need to discuss with your potential supervisor. Note: NSERC fellowships are based solely on grades. Recent cutoffs have been above 10.5 GPA.
- Provides you the opportunity to pick and choose who you would like to work with – and to choose a research project that interests you most. Delaying the process until fall of your 4th year limits your opportunities significantly as most professors have already committed to a number of students.
Choosing Supervisors
1) To choose a Supervisor for your ENSC 4906 Honours Thesis, you may wish to consult the Environmental Science Faculty websites. Using their websites, you can learn about and review their specific research interests.
2) Considering asking the Professor of a class that you particularly enjoyed to know if there are any opportunities or can suggest someone else who might.
3) The National Capital Region is also blessed with many Research Scientists or Adjunct Scientists working within the federal and provincial governments, NGO’s and private industry. Students are encouraged to seek out those people to see if their research interests match what you want to study. A faculty member in Environmental Science would be required as a Co-supervisor.
Contacting potential supervisors by e-mail to introduce yourself and set up a meeting. Be sure to put your best foot forward by writing in a professional manner. Do your homework before your appointment: familiarize yourself with the research complete by the lab you’d like to join. Review the Professors most recent publications in Google Scholar. While we do not generally expect that students will design their own research projects before seeking a supervisor, you should think about how you see yourself fitting in to your potential supervisor’s research program.
Winter Term, 3rd Year
By the end of the winter term of 3rd year, students should have completed thesis or directed study arrangements with their supervisor to ensure understanding of the commitments and expectations, a description of summer work (if required) and a work agenda for fall and winter of your 4th year.
Summer between Third and Fourth Year
Depending on the nature of your thesis project, some students may conduct summer research in the field between their 3rd and 4th years. This requirement may or may not be compatible with having a full-time summer job.
Fall term, Fourth Year
For students entering their 4th year who plan to conduct their thesis through the current academic year, and have not yet identified a supervisor to work with, you must do so by mid-September – the last day to drop & add for fall or fall/winter courses. Note that waiting until this time imparts significant limitations on what can be accomplished.
Students that have arranged a thesis supervisor should email their signed and completed ENSC 4906 form or send an email from the supervisor to Michelle Santoianni indicating a willingness to supervise is appropriate.
Winter term, Fourth Year
Students should read the ENSC 4906 course syllabus for end of year deadlines.
There are two mandatory end of year expectations for Environmental Science Honours Thesis students:
- The Environmental Science Thesis Presentation Day where each thesis student will present their project to Faculty members of the Institute, their supervisors and their peers.
- The Faculty of Science Undergraduate Research Day where all students in Environmental Science will be presenting their thesis in the form of a scientific poster.
Environmental Science Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Steven Cooke
The program assigns a faculty member each year to serve as a point of contact for students participating in the thesis course. The faculty member can assist with any conflicts (with supervisor) and provide direction on requirements for the thesis (to the student and their supervisor if the supervisor is unfamiliar with the expectation for ENSC). The faculty member will send reminder emails to those registered in the course regarding appropriate milestones and expectations.