Education, Training and Professional Development

Customized offerings are also available upon request. To inquire about customized training or to request a training listed below, please contact EIC at your earliest convenience.

Harassment, Discrimination and Accommodations Response

Equity and Inclusion Promotion

  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Training for students, staff and faculty
  • Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Equity in the Classroom
  • Equitable and Inclusive Hiring Practices

Sexual Violence Prevention and Survivor Support

  • Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence
  • Community Responses to Sexual Violence
  • Bystander Intervention workshops
  • Consent Education


Consultative Initiatives

EIC leads or co-leads important university initiatives requiring consultative service. In the past, these included the Carleton University Indigenous Strategic Initiatives Committee (CUISIC) and the Sexual Violence Policy review process. More recently, this leadership work has extended to the Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Committee (SVPEC), The Strategic Integrated Plan (SIP) Task Force and the consultations supporting the EIC Advisory Group Recommendations for EDI Institutional Strategic Action.

Request consultative services from our office.


Policy Development and Advice

Equity and Inclusive Communities (EIC) contributes and/or leads a number of pan-university decision-making and advisory bodies. We have listed just a few in our Governance and Committees section. In addition, we provide ad hoc advice to any individual member of Carleton university on matters coming within our mandate.

Contact the EIC office for assistance or advice.


Case Intake and Resolution

Although there are case resolution implications for all three Centres of Focus, this service is primarily delivered in the context of Sexual Violence Prevention and Survivor Support and Human Rights Harassment, Discrimination and Accommodation Response.

Contact the EIC office for assistance or advice.



EIC commits to reporting on its own and other institutional activities to the Carleton community with the goal of marking progress against planning objectives.