eShop Tools, Support and Training: eShop Handout

As the ‘eshop: June 30th is coming!” notices make their way through the Carleton community, people naturally have many questions.  In this series of tips, I am sharing answers to the most commonly asked eShop questions.

Question #5: Have you been using an ICB when you should be using a JV?

With the paper Interdepartmental Charge Back forms (ICB) going away, you may be wondering how to accomplish existing tasks in eShop using an ‘ICB’.  In some cases, paper ICBs have been used incorrectly to transfer funds between departments or reallocate expenses.  In eShop, you will no longer have this option.

What is an ICB used for?

The purpose of an ‘ICB’ has not changed with the introduction of eShop.  It has been and continues to be used to…

  • Order or pay for goods or services received from another department.

For more about ‘ICBs’ in eShop:

What is a Journal Voucher (JV) used for?

The purpose of Journal Vouchers also remains the same.  If you need to accomplish any of the following, you should be creating a journal in the JV Application in the FAST system …

  • To correct a transaction that was recorded to the wrong fund, orgn, account, program, or activity
  • To charge/recover user fees

For more about JVs:

Need to know how to create a Journal Voucher?  Take a look at the FAST Journal Voucher user guide.