In Tip #1 we listed the 5 overarching steps to submit a catering order in eShop.
- Sign into eshop
- Click on the Dining Services sticker on the eShop homepage. The sticker will direct you to Catertrax.
- Create your order in Catertrax.
- After you’ve created your order, click on the ‘process your order’ button. This will return you to eShop.
- Once you are back in eShop, complete the order by assigning funding to pay for it in eShop.
- When you complete steps 1 to 4, Catertrax will send you an ‘order confirmation email’. This means that the order is pending in Catertrax. It DOES NOT mean that your order is complete.
- To complete the order (i.e. get your food delivered), you must complete step 5. Essentially, you pay for your order in step 5.
What happens if you do not complete step 5
- Catering will notify you by phone to tell you that you do not have an approved purchase order for you order. They cannot fill the order without a confirmed purchase order number.
How to fix it
- If the order is still sitting in your eShop cart, simply check out. Watch Video 3 to find out how (checkout begins at 4:34).