What is it?

An audit is the evaluation of an organization, process, system, or records by an external third party. In general, the University is audited by its external auditors, internal auditors, funding agencies, and the Canada Revenue Agency.

Why is it important?

Carleton University must undergo an annual audit of its financial records to satisfy several external stakeholders such as the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU), the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and financial lending institutions.

External Audit

On an annual basis, a financial statement audit expressing an opinion on the fair presentation of the University’s Financial Statements is performed by the University’s external auditor.

Internal Audit

Internal Auditors act as consultants both to senior administrators/managers and to the Board of Governors.   They report to the President on audit matters and to the Vice-President (Finance and Administration) for administrative affairs.  Their contribution to the success of the University is measured in their ability to assist senior administrators/managers and the Board of Governors in the performance of their duties. The internal audit function accomplishes this by independently identifying risks, evaluating the design and implementation of management’s control systems, and making recommendations for improvement. Internal auditing aids the University by helping managers manage better and by bringing to management’s attention opportunities for improvement.

Direct assistance to the Board is provided in the form of audit reports. This in turn, provides assurance to the Board with respect to those processes found to be working appropriately and assurance that management is aware of any identified opportunities for improvement.

Where do I find more information?

Further information on the Internal Audit function can be on our website.