What is it?

Delegation of Authority means that the Principal Investigator or Fund owner of a research Fund has permitted an individual to have some type of authority over their funds (posting, query, or signing) on his or her behalf.  To delegate financial authority, use the Financial Access and Authority Management (FAAM) tool available on the Financial Services tab in Carleton Central.  Frequently Asked Questions and How-to Sheets are available through the FACTS website.

Why is it important?

A record of the delegation is retained for audit purposes.  It shows independent auditors that the delegate is authorized and able to act on behalf of a researcher when entering transactions into various systems, viewing financial data, or approving the purchase of goods and services, and is evidence of the University’s strong control framework around the stewardship of resources.

Where do I find more information?

For more information about the Tri-Agency requirements, read the Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide.