What is it?

Qualified Supplier Lists (QSL’s) are the result of an Open Competitive Procurement process (Request for Supplier Qualifications (RFSQ)) used to create a list of Vendors who may provide goods or services to the University over a three-year term. Typically, QSL’s are used for a service which is required regularly but where the details of each opportunity will differ. QSL’s will include rules regarding how the opportunities will be distributed to Vendors on the list (for example, by rotation) and a formal performance management process. Also known as a multi-use list.

Why is it Important?

When a good or service is regularly procured by the university, creating a QSL will allow the community to engage Vendors on the list more quickly because the opportunity to be part of the list was publicly procured. Vendors on the list have been pre-qualified based on the criteria of the Open Competitive Procurement process, and departments will follow the rules for engaging a Vendor as described in the RFSQ.

Where do I find more information?

For more information, visit Procurement Services’ Approved Vendors and Standing Offers site, or email ProcurementServices@carleton.ca.