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Carleton’s All-Female Team Scores Gold in MLSE Case Competition
Three Carleton University students—Itoro Umanah (Bachelor of Communications and Media Studies), Lauren Tham (Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management),…

At “Black on The Ballot,” The Experiences Of Black Elected Officials Take Centre Stage
Black on the Ballot, an event hosted by Carleton University’s School of Journalism and Communication in collaboration with the Department of…

Supporting Social Work in Somalia
Somali-Canadian Carleton graduates helped to establish Somaliland’s first social work program.

Taking on the Tough Stories: Carleton Journalism Professor Teaches Students How to Handle Trauma
Carleton Journalism professor teaches students how to handle trauma.

While Hollywood Ignored Stories of Black Resistance, Cuban Filmmakers Celebrated Black Power
Carleton professor Philip Kaisary contrasts Cuban cinema’s celebration of Black resistance and heritage with Hollywood’s neglect of these narratives, highlighting…

What a Canadian Professor REALLY Thinks About the U.S. Elections
With a monumental U.S. election on the horizon, the outcome is sure to reverberate beyond its borders. But why should…

FPGA Researchers Awarded SSHRC Grants
Carleton University researchers received approximately $2.8 million from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) in Insight Grants and Insight Development Grants to…

SPPA Researcher Honoured by Royal Society of Canada
Carleton’s Jo-Ann LeFevre, Sarah Casteel and Maria Rogers have been named to the Royal Society of Canada (RSC), honouring the significant impact they have made in…

Political Science Post-Doc Receives Banting Fellowship
Carleton postdoctoral researchers Keroles Riad and Joshua Steckley are the recipients of the federal government’s 2024 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships.

SPPA Researcher Part of Groundbreaking Climate Project
Three Carleton University researchers received a combined $2 million from the federal government’s New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) today to support…

Migration and Diaspora Studies Student Wins Pathy Fellowship
In the first year of the partnership between Carleton University and the Pathy Foundation Fellowship, two exceptional new graduates join…

Neurodiversity at Work: Carleton Grad Creates Network for Neurodivergent Public Servants
By Jena Lynde-Smith Neurodivergent describes people with cognitive functions that differ from what society considers to be ‘normal,’ encompassing neurological…
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