Research is at the heart of our mission in the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs.

Our researchers publish in high-profile venues, receive significant external grant funding and attract high-caliber graduate students and research partners. We offer them comprehensive support.

Research Funding Over 10 Years

$100 Million+

SSHRC Partnership Grants


Celebrating Excellence
Exemplary Faculty of Public and Global Affairs researchers are recognized in a number of ways, both internally and externally. These faculty members reflect the dynamic research environment within our Faculty.

Research Chairs
The Canada Research Chair program was created by the federal government in 2000 to build capacity for research excellence in Canada.

FPA Research Overview →

Spotlight on Research

Protest signs saying "Bans off Our Bodies"

In the latest Another Take:

Reflecting on the 50-Year Battle to Save Roe v. Wade

With Melissa Haussman

Research in the News

Research Support

The Research Support Team is here to help

The Faculty has dedicated faculty members and staff working on the research portfolio and several bursaries to support high-quality research.


Josh Greenberg
Associate Dean, Research & Graduate

Michael Agnew
Manager, Research Services and Initiatives

Paul Vandenberg
Post-Award Support Administrator

Tobi Kozakewich
Research Facilitator