Omi Iyamu

MASc in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2013)

  1. What field of work are you in, and what duties are required in your position?

I work in Engineering as a Technical Program Manager at Google. I lead Projects and design technical solutions mainly.

  1. What challenges did you face when looking for work after graduating?

To be honest not much; my first job after graduating was at Microsoft as a PM. I got into the role after applying from one of the career fairs that happen in Unicenter.

  1. How did you arrive at your current position?

I left Microsoft to pursue a startup idea of mine. When that didn’t work out, I joined Google.

  1. What advice would you give to a graduate student looking to follow a career path similar to yours?

A great academic record is only part of the key. You need to show initiative and apply your knowledge beyond the classroom; start a company, build an app, influence change, something of that nature.

Omi Iyamu has been involved with Carleton’s Alumni Mentoring program. The Alumni Mentors program pairs motivated upper-year students and recent graduates with an alumni mentor. Mentors are established professionals who help students and recent graduates develop skills for the workplace and expand their professional networks.