Sogol Naserian

MA in Legal Studies (2011) from Carleton

LL.B from University of Sussex in the United Kingdom

  1. What field of work are you in, and what duties are required in your position?

I practice labour/employment, immigration/refugee and general civil litigation. My job requires a lot of research, attention to detail and persistence.

  1. What challenges did you face when looking for work after graduating?

The main challenge was that the market was (still is) supersaturated with bright and hardworking law school graduates who are looking for work. (Please note: Sogol holds an LL.B or Bachelor of Laws from University of Sussex in United Kingdom.) My main challenge was finding an articling position which would allow me to get through the licensing process (in an area of the law that excited me). Most graduates end up working in an area that they are not excited about and/or take an unpaid articling position. I was lucky to find articles in an area of the law that I wanted (immigration/refugee) and to actually get a pay cheque at the end of the month.

  1. How did you arrive at your current position?

Networking. I cannot overstate the value of networking in my field (or any field, really).

  1. What advice would you give to a graduate student looking to follow a career path similar to yours?

There is more than one path to achieving a goal. The basic principles that are common to all paths are: hard work, persistence, a great attitude and trusting in the timing of things.

Sogol Naserian has been involved with Carleton’s Alumni Mentoring program. The Alumni Mentors program pairs motivated upper-year students and recent graduates with an alumni mentor. Mentors are established professionals who help students and recent graduates develop skills for the workplace and expand their professional networks.