Teaching and Learning Services is delighted to announce that the following FASS Teaching Assistants have been awarded an Outstanding TA Award and/or an Honourable Mention for the 2021-2022 academic year:


Esme Song CHST 3205

Nick Hayes SOCI 1001

Tori Semple PSYC 3400


Dessa Bayrock ENGL 1500

Nora Abushaban SOCI 1001

James Vellan PSYC 3000

This award celebrates the contributions and support Teaching Assistants give to the undergraduate programs in their disciplines, as well as their roles in establishing a positive learning environment and in implementing innovative teaching practices. All winners and honourable mentions have been informed. The awards committee was impressed with the strength and versatility of the nominations as well as Carleton TAs’ dedication to enhancing student learning.

Congratulations on this great accomplishment for FASS!