Congratulations to our 2021 graduates from all of us in the Department of Human Rights and Human Rights and Social Justice! We are so proud of what you have accomplished during this challenging year and we are excited for you as you embark on the next phase of your life. We wish you all the best in these new adventures and encourage you to stay in touch. As a Carleton alumni, your experiences and mentorship are invaluable for the students who follow in your footsteps. We look forward to hearing from you in the future!
Congratulations to our Graduates
Bachelor of Arts Human Rights and Social Justice
Madison Dudgeon
Hope Elder
Davaun Francis
Mayang Gattuor
Danielle Labelle
Bailey Murphy
Leah Proulx
Mike Rusimbi
Ruby Toole
Shintaro Tsukamoto
Bachelor of Arts Honours Human Rights and Social Justice
Elena Browne
Alison Burke-Filewod
Ellie Dales
Jessica Desmarais
Farrah Gulamhussein
Fatima Hafid
Emma Halvorsen
Iman Joseph
Michelle Litplo
Miranda Lowe
Nicole McQuiggan
Chelsea Milks
Eeti Mehta
Arielle Neil
Liam Osborne
Genevieve Sauberli
Emily Scott
Wolfgang Wuttke-Stanton
Bachelor of Arts Human Rights
Amanda Presley
Bachelor of Arts Honours Human Rights
Sherry Baltzer
Nadeea Rahim
Bachelor of Arts Honours Interdisciplinary Studies
Matthew MacMurdo