February 27, 2017, OTTAWA, ON – On Friday, February 24, the IPIS Students’ Association held an exciting evening lecture and networking event “Critical Infrastructure Protection: Approaches to Cyber Security.” The event was hosted in partnership with the Faculty of Public Affairs for the FPA Research Awareness Month.

Guests who attended the event were not disappointed, as the evening included exciting presentation topics from a variety of distinguished speakers, whom you can see below. The guest speakers presented their topics of interest, which was then followed with an intriguing panel discussion.


Kathleen Heppell-Masys is the Director General of the Directorate of Security and Safeguards (DSS) at the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). DSS provides regulatory leadership and specialist advice in developing, implementing and maintaining regulatory oversight programs in the fields of nuclear emergency management, nuclear security, safeguards of nuclear materials, and nuclear non-proliferation, including export and import controls.

Mark Matz is the Director of Policy and Issues Management within the National Cyber Security Directorate at Public Safety Canada. Mark has worked in various policy positions with the Government of Canada, including with the Privy Council Office and Canadian Heritage. Mark holds a Masters of Philosophy from the University of Oxford, which he attended as a Rhodes Scholar.

Canada’s Cyber Security Review and the role of Public Safety Canada
In his mandate letter from the Prime Minister, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness was asked to lead a review of existing measures to protect Canadians and critical infrastructure from cyber threats. Mark Matz, Director of Policy and Issues Management for the National Cyber Security Directorate in Public Safety Canada, will talk about how this has been conducted, key cyber challenges for Canada, and the role of Public Safety in cyber security policy and operations.

Joe Waddington is the Director General, Cyber Protection, in the Information Technology Security (ITS) Branch of the CSE. The Cyber Protection team is responsible for the architecture, engineering, and development of security and cryptographic solutions for the Government of Canada. The team also provides security-related advice and guidance to Government of Canada departments developing and deploying technology solutions. Joe graduated from University of Waterloo in 1988 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science.

Securing Critical Infrastructure: Is it even possible?
Enterprises and infrastructure providers are highly motivated to connect infrastructure to save costs and improve services. But malicious actors are equally motivated to compromise the integrity or availability of those infrastructures. Who is poised to win, and what can be done to tip the balance?

IPIS is proud to have been one of the many academic units to take part in FPA’s Research Month.

Learn more about FPA Research Month and it’s events here: https://carleton.ca/fpa/events/research-month/.

To see more of what the IPIS Students’ Association is up to, follow them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StudentAssociation.IPIS/