Capstone Courses
ISAP 4906 [1.0 credit]
Capstone Course – Group Research Project
Students will collaborate on a project that addresses a real-world issue in a team environment. Focus includes: design and completion of a research project; development of communication, critical inquiry, data analysis and research skills; and the opportunity to develop initiative, creativity and self-reliance. Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for ISAP 4907, ISAP 4908.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in the Interdisciplinary Science and Practice (ISAP) Honours program and permission of the Institute.
Lecture, seminar and workshop four hours per week, as scheduled by the instructor.
ISAP 4907 [1.0 credit]
Capstone Course – Research Essay
A substantial, independent essay or research proposal-based critical review and research proposal, using library, database and/or bioinformatic resources, under the direct supervision of the instructor. Topics include identification and critical review of resources, development of writing skills and formulation of research question and strategy. Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for ISAP 4906, ISAP 4908.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in the Interdisciplinary Science and Practice (ISAP) Honours program.
Lecture, seminar and workshop four hours per week, as scheduled by the instructor.
ISAP 4908 [1.0 credit]
Capstone Course – Individual Research Project
An independent research project under the direct supervision of a faculty adviser. Evaluation is based on a written thesis and a poster presentation. Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for ISAP 4906, ISAP 4907.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in the Interdisciplinary Science and Practice (ISAP) Honours program, a major CGPA of 9.0 or higher, and permission of the Institute.
Lectures and discussion as scheduled by the course coordinator; other hours as arranged with the faculty advisor.
ISAP 4909 [1.0 credit]-For this course only, please contact Dr. Sean Landsman or Dr. Rachel Buxton
Translational Approach to Indigenous Community Wellness
This course involves co-developing an Indigenous community-led process or product that addresses a current and specific mental health issue. Involves working in interdisciplinary groups with a community partner. Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Also listed as ENSC 4909, MPAD 4906, NEUR 4906.
Precludes additional credit for ENSC 4906, ISAP 4906, ISAP 4907, ISAP 4908, NEUR 4906, NEUR 4907, NEUR 4908.
Prerequisite(s): Fourth-year standing with a minimum Major CGPA of 10.0 in the Interdisciplinary Science and Practice (ISAP) Honours program and permission of the instructor.
Seminars or workshops three hours a week. A field trip to the partner community is typically required.
How to go about emailing a professor to ask to be a thesis supervisor? Students should think about professors who taught courses of interest to them and who may have discussed their research during their course. Most professors have research websites for their labs. Students are encouraged to review faculty publications in Google scholar, Scopus etc. to learn about their current research
Timing? When is a good time to begin looking for thesis supervisors? (ex. When is too early and when is considered too late). Usually fall term of third year is a good time to begin researching areas of interest and to start emailing professors. Students may want to think about having 2-3 options for supervisors in case professors are on sabbatical or already have committed to their maximum number of thesis students. If research is to be completed outdoors during the summer months, it is recommended to have a supervisor arranged by May. It is often too late to arrange a thesis supervisor by the time registration\time tickets are active in July for the student’s 4th year registration.
Who exactly is eligible to be a supervisor or co-supervisor? Full time faculty members at Carleton may supervise undergraduate students. Contract Instructors or Instructors are not eligible. If an external supervisor is arranged, a full time faculty member from Carleton must be arranged as the Co-supervisor.
External Supervisors are experts who are employed outside of Carleton. Research Scientists from federal government, hospitals, labs in the region may be available as supervisors. Lists of potential external supervisors (Adjuncts) can be found in various departments in Science. You may need to do some research to find their primary organization, lab website, recent publications to get a sense of their research areas. You may also have your own connections to a potential supervisor via networking or employment For the latter, you must email the Administrator with the researcher’s name and nature of the project in order to get approval. When discussing potential supervision with a researcher outside of Carleton you can ask them if they currently collaborate with a faculty member at Carleton. If so, that would be the first person to approach about co-supervision. Otherwise, please email the IEIS Administrator for more information as to how to proceed.
Do students pick their thesis topic or do their supervisors? Students should bring ideas and areas of interest when meeting the potential supervisor. A topic can be formulated from discussions and based on mutual interests. Supervisors will ensure the “scope” of the topic is within reason for the successful completion of the thesis.
Difference between directed study and a thesis and what it means to complete one or the other, or both? Directed Study is non-experimental, literature based review and smaller in scope. Thesis must include some hands on, experimental research including field work, laboratory work etc.
Is funding necessary? (ex. when would you apply for funding and how would you go about it) No, funding is not necessary to complete an undergraduate Honours thesis. However, professors may have funds available to hire a student to work as a summer field technician or in some other capacity.
Getting your thesis published (Carleton Undergraduate journal?) Getting a thesis published depends largely on the quality of the thesis and a student’s ability to stick with the submission and revision process, which typically extends well beyond a student’s graduation date. Pursuing publication is typically at the discretion of a student’s supervisor (in part because a professor has to pay too have the research published and so the quality of the thesis must warrant that expense), but submitting to something like Carleton’s Undergraduate Journal of Science is also an option that a student should discuss with their supervisor (does not require grant funds to publish in it).
Useful link for more information including an Email template.