Details courtesy of University of Cambridge Faculty of Education

LERRN Partner and Centre for Lebanese Studies Director Maha Shuayb was appointed as the British Academy Bilateral Chair in Education in Conflict.

The chair is based at the Centre for Lebanese Studies at the Lebanese American University – LAU and Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. The three-year appointment forms one part of a six-year Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC) program.

With a research program entitled “Unpacking the industry of refugee education and research towards an equitable theory and practice”, the Chair will focus on strengthening and widening the opportunities for early career scholars and researchers focused on education in emergency and conflict, while examining “educational policies in response to refugees entering diverse settings over the past decade”.

Congratulations, Dr. Shuayb!

For more details, please see the full article on the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education’s News page:

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