Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

Refugee Communities Mobilising in the Middle East: Refugee-led Organisations in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey

January 16, 2023 at 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM


Please note: this event will be presented in English with simultaneous interpretation in Arabic and Persian.

انقر هنا للمزيد من المعلومات

In 2018, the Global Compact on Refugees called for self-reliant refugees who engage in decision making and participate in the multi spheres of everyday life. Our work builds on existing literature and presents empirical evidence on the nature, scope, and impact played by varied scales of Refugee-led Organisations (RLOs) in three countries in the Middle East: Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.

To study the dynamics of the RLOs and to understand the various structures refugees have established in the three countries given the different policies towards refugees and towards organisations led by refugees, we contextualise the refugees in their host states and discuss the several variables that matter in their established organisations to serve their communities such as leadership, funding, scale and legality. We analyse the opportunities and constraints, including local, national, and international politics, that shape their work and influence their role. In our presentation, we consider the dynamics established amongst refugee-led organisations with the wider host community in order to enhance their impact.

Event Registration



Meryem Aslan is the Country Director at Oxfam Netherlands and also a manager at the Refugee Council of Turkey. Meryem Aslan joined Oxfam as the Country Director of Turkey Office in 2013. Since joining Oxfam, she has been working across BRICS and MIKTA countries with specific focus on the role of emerging economies in international development and humanitarian aid. She has 27 years of international experience working with United Nations and civil Society organisations at program coordination, policy design and management positions in a range of countries and fragile states in South and Central Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America.

Yara Mourad is the Assistant Director and the Refugee Research and Policy Program Manager at the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut (AUB). She manages various research initiatives and collaborations on refugee issues in Lebanon and the Arab region, much of which have been translated into informed public-policy decision-making at the national level. She holds a Master of Public Health from AUB.


James Milner, LERRN Project Director

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The Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS) is an independent academic institution established in 1984 to undertake impartial and balanced research and contribute to Lebanon’s development. CLS is affiliated with the Middle East Centre at St. Antony’s College, the History Department at the University of Cambridge, and the Lebanese American University and works rigorously in conducting research and organizing conferences that address key issues in Lebanon. CLS opened an office in Lebanon in 2012 where it is currently affiliated and based at the Lebanese American University (LAU).

LERRN is a team of researchers and practitioners committed to promoting protection and solutions with and for refugees. The goal is to ensure that refugee research, policy and practice are shaped by a more inclusive, equitable and informed collective engagement of civil society.