Photo of Marcia C. Schenck

Marcia C. Schenck

Co-editor, The Right to Research; Professor, University of Potsdam

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Marcia C. Schenck is professor of global history at the University of Potsdam, Germany. She holds a PhD in history from Princeton University, where she first became involved with the project that developed into this anthology. She created the Global History Dialogues course as part of the Global History Lab run by Jeremy Adelman at Princeton. Currently at the IAS Historische Kolleg in Munich, she is working on a book project about the Organization of African Unity’s refugee management during the decolonization era. Her research interests include global history, African history, oral history, migration history, and the history of international organizations. She has published in academic journals such as Africa Today, Africa, African Economic History, and Labor History, and her latest books are the open-access monograph Remembering Labor Migration to the Second World: Socialist Mobilities between Angola, Mozambique, and East Germany (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023) and the co-edited anthology The Right to Research: Historical Narratives by Refugee & Global South Researchers (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023). She is also the founder of the Global History Dialogues Project, and the co-founder of the H-Net Refugees in African History network.