Over the course of six weeks, novelist and essayist Jennifer McGuire will guide participants through writing exercises to help unlock more fulsome memories to help work towards writing their own lives. From teaching the fundamentals of life-writing to structuring a memoir to the therapeutic power of personal writing, this class is intended to encourage participants to use empathy, observation, and gratitude to look at their own life for what it really could be. An amazing story everyone wants to hear.

Dates: Fridays, March 22 – May 3, 2024.

Times: 9:30am-12:00pm

Location:  In-Person, Carleton University Campus – St. Patrick’s Building

Registered participants will receive an email from the LLeaP team, sharing the room number and parking instructions prior to the first day of this series.


  • Week 1: Experiential writing and finding your voice.
  • Week 2: Writing about family – dynamics and perspectives.
  • Week 3: The role of humour in writing.
  • Week 4: Your real subjects (beyond the surface)
  • Week 5: Writing without shame (embracing vulnerability)
  • Week 6: Going forth with goodness in storytelling

About the Lecturer: Jennifer McGuire is an essayist and memoir writer with 20 years of experience. Her personal essays have appeared in publications like Good Housekeeping, the Globe and Mail, Canadian Family, and Parents, and her lifestyle column “Halfway to Happy” was syndicated from 2004-2014. A mom of four sons, Jen’s 2021 book Nest: Letting Go From Italy, France, & Ireland sold thousands of copies in Canada and the U.S., and her book of personal essays Poor Thing is scheduled for release in December 2024. Jen has been leading personal writing workshops across Ontario for 15 years.

Policies: Please review the Lifelong Learning Policies