Photo of Devin Prashad

Devin Prashad

Candidate, M.A. Migration and Diaspora Studies

Degrees:B.A. Human Rights, Double minor in Political science and History (2017)

Current Program (including year of entry):  MA in Migration and Diaspora Studies (2021)

Supervisor: Meena Agha and Dominique Marshall

Academic and Research Interests:
Ableism and displacement, spatial justice and accessibility within refugee camps, Intergenerational trauma and Guyana’s mental health crisis.

Volunteer, Practicum, and Work Experience:
Diversity & Inclusion Programs Review Support Officer – Public Safety Canada

Youth Worker – Horizons for Youth Toronto, Russell Heights Community House, The Door Youth Center

Description of Research:
My research intends to understand the impacts of ableism on refugees with disabilities’ lived realities within the context of refugee camp settings. The research will analyze how ableist notions become embedded and may neglect accessibility practices and considerations within refugee camps.