Current Features
- Student news, events and important dates
- Student services search
- Student course schedule and push notification when there is a change
- Student exam schedule and push notification when there is a change
- Grades and receive a push notification when a new grade is posted
- Emergency notifications and campus announcements
- Ability to customize which push notifications you can receive
- Student Account information
- Campus Card balance and U-Pass eligibility
- List feature (ability to “pin” news, events, and services to a personal list)
- Updated and interactive campus map
- Student Experience Questionnaires and surveys
- Access key university website
Upcoming Features
- Extended login periods (in consultation with Information Technology Services)
- Information for students in Residence
- Information on admissions, including program search
- Integration of the Wellness Services Navigator
We are always looking to add new features to Carleton Mobile. If you have a new feature idea, please submit a Feature Request using our feedback form.