Hi! I am Joanne Kolassery, but please call me Jo! I just moved back home to Mississauga, Ontario after completing my undergraduate degree in Neuroscience and Mental Health (Honours) along with a minor in Psychology.
When I grow up, I want to work with people as I am most definitely a people person, but I am also passionate about science and how the brain works, so I am thinking of doing something in clinical psychology. I currently work for the Trillium Health Partners (THP), which are the hospitals in Mississauga. There are three locations that fall under THP and my job is to make sure that clinicians can communicate with each other smoothly through all three sites.
While I do not currently work in research, I think I would be better working with people than in a lab setting which is why I want to pursue clinical psychology. Though ideally, I would be working with children as I find them so adorable! In my spare time, I enjoy improv, theater and I play the piano; I am also an avid reader, a runner and a coffee-lover!
Plan your time – you know yourself the best. Work hard, but also make sure you leave time for the little things in life because these four years are going to pass by in the blink of an eye so get involved in different things as much as possible!