Hi everyone, my name is Palwinder Singh and I took the same class with Ashley last year. I had a fantastic time and I’m sure you all will as well even through these hard times.
During my undergrad I was always uncertain of what I wanted to do and what career path was right for me. As I was in the summer of my third year at Carleton I decided to look into applying to law schools. I finished my BSc in Neuroscience and Mental Health with a minor in Psychology this year and have officially started my first year of law school at Windsor law. Currently, my interest lies in mental health law but who knows what else will interest me during my law school journey.
As you finish your undergrad do not worry if you do not have it all figured out. Explore your options. I was volunteering in many different areas to see what field best suited me (some of the places I volunteered for included doing research at CHEO, volunteering at UHN-Toronto Western Hospital Clinics specifically Cardio, a daycare, I have even volunteered for the Ottawa-Carleton school board because I was going to apply to teachers college). If you ever feel like your undergrad determines your career field – it does not! As you can see I dabbled in the research field, medical field, early childhood education and field of educators.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, I am more than willing to share my personal experience in school and life with you all. Shoot me an email at if you ever want to chat, if I can’t help you I will do my best to connect you with someone who can!