Hi all,

Please see below and attached for a major funding opportunity.

A few salient points are:

·       Call for Proposals issued: December 5, 2014

·       Proposal consultation process with partners and stakeholders: December 8, 2014 to February 6, 2015

·       Deadline to submit Letter of Intent: January 12, 2015 @ 11:59 a.m. (noon) EST

·       CHARS Secretariat response to proponents on their paragraph of intent: January 19, 2015

·       Deadline for submission of Full Proposals: February 9, 2015 @ 11:59 a.m. (noon) EST

·       Applicants apply for research licenses and ethics review, as applicable: February to April 2015

·       Proposal Review Period and CHARS Management Committee final funding recommendations: February 2015; March 2015

·       Written notification sent to applicants on the status of their proposal(s): April to May 2015

·       Funding agreements prepared and signed: June 2015 and ongoing

The CHARS is being built in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, with an expected opening in 2017 and operating at full capacity in 2018/19.

It will have office, meeting, conference, dining, logistics and accommodation facilities, plus more than 19 laboratories and workshops.

Following consultations, the first CHARS Science and Technology Plan for 2014-19 was drafted, with five priority areas. Please visithttp://www.science.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=6B43B3E0-1

The priorities will be phased in.

This call will focus on new monitoring and research efforts for the following 3 (of the 5) research priority areas:

1.1.1         Baseline information preparedness for development

1.1.2         Predicting the impacts of changing ice, permafrost, and snow on shipping, communities and infrastructure

1.1.3         Infrastructure for development

The first Call for Proposals is requesting proposals under two areas:

1.2.1 Strengthening Monitoring in Northern Canada – to better integrate environmental and socio-economic monitoring in northern Canada by addressing specific thematic gaps, and utilizing common protocols.

1.2.2 Research in Northern regions of Significant Resource Development – to fill geographic gaps in the current environmental and socio-economic knowledge in specific regions of the Canadian Arctic undergoing significant change due to resource development and a changing climate.

The CHARS’ pan-northern S&T program is now launching its first Call for Proposals (CfPs). This first CfP’s will initiate elements of the CHARS pan-northern S&T Program by requesting proposals that will: strengthen monitoring in northern Canada; and fill research gaps in northern regions of significant resource development.

The total approximate funding available is $2 million for 2015-2016, $2.5 million for 2016-17 and $2.5 million for 2017-2018. The deadline for proposal submission is February 9, 2015 at 11:59 AM (noon) Eastern Standard Time.

For further details, please refer to the CHARS CfPs documents attached. If you have any questions concerning the CHARS Call for Proposals, please contact the following people at the CHARS Secretariat:

General Enquiries
Martin Tremblay
E-mail: Martin.Tremblay@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca or Phone (819) 934-1152

Strengthening Monitoring in Northern Canada
Donald McLennan
E-mail: Donald.McLennan@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca or Phone (819) 934-1156
Research in Northern Regions of Significant Resource Development
Mike Gill
E-mail: Mike.Gill@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca or Phone (613) 402-4935

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