1. Learning Support
  2. PASS Workshops
  3. Online Learning Resources

While the start of the term is an exciting time, students should keep in mind classes do gain momentum quickly. If they are struggling to adjust to the new academic demands, the Online Student Success Modulethe Mentorship Network and the Center for Student Academic Success (CSAS) all offer support resources to help your students meet their goals.

The academic expectations your student is now facing may be, at first, overwhelming. Continue to support your student throughout the transition to university standards, and direct them towards academic and wellness resources. Suggest visiting their professors’ office hours or creating effective study groups with peers for extra support. This can be a stressful time, and ensuring a healthy lifestyle and a strong support network can help students thrive in their new environment.

Learning Support

At the Centre for Student Academic Support (CSAS), your student is provided with evidence-informed educational programs and services that are available to support all Carleton University students to have successful academic experiences.

PASS Workshops

Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) offer your student a welcoming and supportive environment with a peer facilitator to help work through academic assignments. Students are encouraged to participate and collaborate with one another and are engaged in new learning methods.

Online Learning Resources

Carleton Online supports students in the online learning environment by connecting them with resources to be successful in their courses and other student services.