Photo of Chimwemwe Soko

Chimwemwe Soko

Carleton University Research Mentors
Mike Brklacich
Paul Mkandawire

Home Institution

Find Your Feet – Executive Director


I possess a MSc in Aquaculture from Memorial University of Newfoundland – I am the Executive Director at Find Your Feet (NGO). I am also an adjunct Lecturer at Mzuzu University in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences. Previously I worked with Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources – Bunda College campus.

Research Interests and societal interests

Rapid depletion of agrobiodiversity threatens adaptation and resilience building to climate change. Crop failure of improved varieties associated with droughts are a common occurrence; whilst well adapted landraces tolerate better extreme weather conditions. The research will evaluate if Agrobiodiversity preservation has a role in building community resilience to climate change.

Expectations as a QES Scholar during the Mobility Period

Through the QES scholar mobility period I expect to develop high quality research and analytical skills that are fundamental during the course of my PhD studies and beyond. Furthermore, from the numerous interface sessions with placement partners I expect to have an in-depth understanding of climate change as a subject, how different communities are impacted globally, and measures they have taken to adapt and mitigate its impacts.

On a more academic front through this mobility period I expect to have proper mentorship and guidance as I develop my research proposal for my PhD studies.

The QES Project and Advancement of your Career

Through this programme I will be able to study for my PhD, attain the qualifications, and contribute to the knowledge in my study discipline. Besides there should be professional growth to my career that should come with completion of my studies – I look forward to assuming even greater leadership roles in Africa and globally.