Felix Moses Tembo
Phone: | +265888366992 |
Email: | tembofelix@yahoo.com |
Carleton University Research Mentor
Scott Mitchell
Home Institution
Mzuzu University, Malawi, Department of Built Environment, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Lecturer
I am Felix Moses Tembo born in Chikwawa district of the Southern Region of Malawi. Currently I am a Lecturer at Mzuzu University. I enrolled as a PhD student in Transformative Community Development focusing on Climate Change in Agriculture using GIS and Remote Sensing at Mzuzu University in September, 2017. My research topic is “Situation analysis of Climate Change on Agriculture using GIS and Remote Sensing”. My area of specialization is climate change impacts and adaptation, GIS and Remote Sensing applications and mapping sciences. My research interests include adaptation to impacts of climate change and food security, land tenure studies and vulnerability assessment. I obtained Master of Science in Climate Change from Mekelle University (Ethiopia) in 2016.
- I enrolled as a PhD student at Mzuzu University in September, 2017.
- Research topic: Situation analysis of Climate Change on Agriculture using GIS and Remote Sensing
- I have MSc in Climate Change from Mekelle University (Ethiopia).
Research Interests and societal interests
- Climate change (impact,vulnerability, adaptation) analysis
- Climate change and community transformation development
- Energy and sustainable development
- Climate change risks and food security
Expectations as a QES Scholar during the Mobility Period
I expect to gain intellectual guidance and support from professors at Carleton, a rich learning environment. I also expect to work closely with faculty mentors to acquire and create the knowledge and tools needed to develop my research proposal in the field of climate change which is my field of study.If a chance arises I expected to learn image analysis for spatio-temporal land cover analysis which forms an important component of my study. With scholars from other institutions I expect to be part of a vibrant academic networking forum.
The QES Project and Advancement of your Career
The program will enable me to understand the underlying issues in climate and society and assist in developing policies for sustainable economic development in poverty reduction which is Malawi’s highest priority. As an academic in the university the program will position me in:
- Train professionals in research (academics).
- Designing climate change strategies and policies for Malawi.
- Increased capacity in publications and community outreach programs.