The Carleton Undergraduate Art History Society held a symposium entitled Social Responsibility in the Heritage Sector on March 30th 2019. READi director and Professor in the department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Adrian Chan, and READi trainee and PhD student in Cultural Mediations, Patricia Bérubé, participated in the panel on Issues in Practice, along with Readi Collaborator and Audit and Evaluation Officer for Ingenium, Gabrielle Trepanier.

The panel was moderated by Jocelyne van Vynsberghe, Artists, Students Support Offiver and Volunteer Coordinator from the Paul Menton Centre at Carleton University.

 Carleton Art History Undergraduate Society Event Page

Adrian Chan, Patricia Bérubé, and Gabrielle Trepanier speaking to panel moderator, Jocelyne van Vynsberghe during the panel session.