The Board of Governors met on October 4, 2022 to approve and review the following policies:

Electronic Monitoring Policy *NEW

The Government of Ontario recently enacted Bill 88, which amended the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) to create a new obligation to prepare and implement a written policy with respect to the electronic monitoring of employees. To comply with this legislation, Carleton has developed a Policy on “Electronic Monitoring”. This policy goes into effect on October 11, 2022, and is available on the University Secretariat website.

Campus assistance (emergency) phone policy

This policy describes the guidelines to determine the requirement, location and deployment of emergency phones across campus and outlines responsibilities for the associated costs.

Remote network access policy

This Policy defines standards for connecting to campus networks or systems from an off-campus location. These standards are intended to minimize the risk of damage to Carleton University through unauthorized use, loss of data, disclosure of intellectual property; damage to public image, to internal systems, or any other undesired consequence.

On-campus filming policy *NEW

The policy requires that all individuals and organizations seeking to film on campus, for commercial, documentary, or other forms of film production and dissemination, seek the University’s permission for access to university grounds, facilities, labs, and buildings. Permission is also required for any construction of sets or alteration to any existing university buildings or property.

Any person requesting to film on campus must complete the Request to Film on Campus application and upon approval enter into an agreement with the University that outlines conditions, warranties, insurance requirements, and fees which will be applicable. A fee will be charged for commercial productions that use university space and will be determined based on the space requested and associated costs.

Additionally, the University will reserve the right to review the production’s script or script outline prior to granting permission to film on campus.