The Senior Management Committee met on Jan. 31, 2024, for review and approval of the following policies:

Corporate Sponsorship Acceptance Policy

The policy outlines that the university accepts sponsorships from institutions, corporations, organizations, or foundations to achieve its mission and enhance its programs and services. A sponsorship is a marketing-oriented, contracted financial alliance between Carleton University and a corporation, organization, or foundation.

This policy applies to all departments and individuals involved in the identification, cultivation, solicitation, fulfillment, and stewardship of sponsors and the acceptance of sponsorship funds for Carleton University.

There are no notable changes to this policy.

Rooftop and Service Area Access Policy

Aiming to foster a culture of safety and health in the workplace and among students, this policy highlights that uncontrolled access to building rooftops and service areas can pose health and safety risks, including falls from heights, exposure to dangerous chemicals, and contact with energy sources. Therefore, access to campus building roofs and service areas is restricted to trained and authorised personnel from Facilities Management and Planning, as well as contractors working under their direction, as outlined below.

Access to campus buildings’ rooftops or service areas needs written approval from the Associate Vice-President (Facilities Management and Planning).

The updates to this policy include that research partners, who fall under the “visitors” category, who might require access to rooftop or service area should request permission from the Office of Risk Management. Also, unauthorized storage of materials and equipment in service areas and rooftops is prohibited.

University Bank Accounts

This Policy stipulates that only Financial Services are responsible for managing all University funds and bank accounts. Authorization from the Associate Vice-President, Financial Services and a second University signing official is required for any individual, department, agency, or student group to open a bank account in Carleton University’s name. This policy applies to all departments and individuals at Carleton University, including professors, staff, and students.

The most notable update to this policy is that Financial Services Office and not the Business Operations Office is solely responsible for the administration of university funds and the protection of the integrity of the University’s finances, accounting, and banking arrangements.

Petty Cash Fund Policy

This policy outlines that a department or unit might set up a petty cash fund to handle non-recurring costs that cannot be handled through the Procurement Card. Financial Services will handle these monies, which will not be provided for research purposes.

There are no notable changes to this policy.