Welcome to our Distance Exam Service! This service is designed for students who cannot take on-campus exams. It’s ideal for students in online courses requiring in-person tests, varsity athletes with travel schedules, or anyone facing special circumstances that prevent them from attending on-campus exams. If you’re 160 km or more away from Carleton on exam day and your course allows it, you can apply to take your exam off-campus.

We use CoMaS, our automated e-Proctoring software, to keep the testing process secure and fair for everyone. In special cases, we may also arrange for exams to be taken at nearby educational institutions.

We also recognize that varsity athletes have specific scheduling needs. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Athletics to make sure their exam process meets all regulations.


Applications must be submitted by January 20, 2025, for Winter Courses.

Ensure you review the following information before applying:

Please apply for your distance exams by clicking on the link below