- Student Guides
- Regular CoMaS FAQs
- Hybrid CoMaS FAQs
- CoMaS Privacy and Security
- Zoom E-proctoring FAQs
- e-Proctoring Instructional Videos
Since the introduction of e-proctoring during the COVID-19 pandemic, Scheduling and Examination Services have continued to offer this service for both online and in-person digital assessments. This is available for course instructors teaching online or those who wish their exams to be conducted online. Our aim is to maintain the academic integrity of our programs, and to that end, many instructors have restructured their courses or assessments to address concerns regarding academic integrity.
Depending on their course specifics, instructors who choose this service are provided one of two platforms: CoMaS (Regular or Hybrid), developed in-house at Carleton, or Zoom. These platforms, long used by Carleton, aren’t invasive AI-based software, but tools focused on delivering support, transparency, and flexibility.
We remain committed to continuing to provide information about these e-proctoring systems to our students. The privacy and security of any student data remains Carleton’s top concern and both platforms have undergone security and privacy reviews by Carleton’s Information Security and Privacy Offices, respectively.
Please note that BigBlueButton (BBB), formerly part of our e-proctoring tool/platform, is no longer available and has now been replaced by Zoom.
Any student who has concerns about using one of these systems should discuss their concerns with their course instructors, well before their exam, to see if alternative modes of assessment are available.
Should you still have questions after reading the following FAQs and discussing your concerns with your instructor, please submit an exam support request. Please include your course code and exam date when submitting your request.
Student Guides
Regular CoMaS FAQs
- If I grant screen recording permission once, will it be sufficient for all subsequent exams?
With the new macOS Sequoia update, screen recording permissions are only valid for one month. This means you must check and grant screen recording permissions before each exam.
- CoMaS cannot find my webcam?
Please use the native Camera application on your computer and split your screen in such a way that exam takes up most of the screen space, while the camera application of a smaller size is in the corner. Ensure the webcam view is always visible during your exam and not obscured by any other windows or files
- What should I do if my webcam is not visible in the comas webpage?
Please make sure your browser has given permission to the camera. Please copy the webcam page link and paste it in alternate browser like Chrome, Opera, Safari, or Edge. Another option is to launch the webcam page manually via the webcam button on the CoMas home page and ensure it is always active during your exam and not obscured by any other windows or files.
- What should I do upon receiving a “Low Drive Space” notification while running CoMaS?
Please clear 2GB of drive space to run CoMaS successfully. Sufficient space is required to ensure CoMaS can generate and save local copies of your screenshots throughout the exam.
- What is minimum memory / storage space required to run CoMaS?
2GB of storage space is required to use CoMaS. Sufficient space is required to ensure CoMaS can generate and save local copies of your screenshots throughout the exam.
- What if I need to take a break during my exam? (CoMaS)
Students may use a break for washroom (i.e., Washroom Break), scanning and printing documents (i.e., Scanning documents), some technical issue related to laptop/desktop (i.e., Technical break), some house-related work (i.e., Personal emergency), or break specific to a PMC exam accommodation (i.e., Accommodation break). The steps you need to take for a break.
- Go to the webcam page, which opens at the launch of CoMaS. Select the correct break that best describes your situation, or write a description in the last two boxes provided. If Webcam page is closed then open page again through desktop/comas/course_name/Exam/tools/webcam .
- After you have selected or typed in the reason for your break, please click OK to the pop-up alert.
- Please ensure that you uncheck the tick mark when you are back from break; otherwise, you will be considered on break, creating suspicion and possibly getting flagged.
- Is a webcam mandatory?
A webcam is mandatory for CoMaS. If you are unable to meet the technical requirement for e-Proctoring please discuss this issue with your course instructor, well before your exam date.
- My relatives/housemate entered my room while I was writing my exam.
If your household member walks into the room during the assessment with an unrelated to exam question, don’t worry. Politely remind them you’re taking an exam and you cannot talk until the exam is completed. If you have a roommate who is taking the same exam, please find a different location to write yours.
- Is there an ideal location to take the exam? What if I have a roommate?
Use a place with good Internet connectivity, low noise, and good lighting. Ensure there is no one around you. Keep your phone off for the entire duration of the exam unless you use it for an Internet hotspot. If you have a roommate who is taking the same exam, please find a different location to write your exam.
- I do not have Internet. Can I use my cell phone as a hotspot?
This strategy is fine, and you do not need to turn off your cell phone even if it is not used for e-Proctoring. Leave it in plain view. Please let your instructor know that you are using your phone as a hotspot.
- What if I have privacy concerns regarding sharing my webcam or screen?
CoMaS has been vetted by Carleton’s Information Security and Privacy Offices. However, if you are still concerned, ask your course instructor, well before your exam whether alternative modes of assessment are available to you.
- How do I use my computer for both writing the exam and e-Proctoring with CoMaS?
CoMaS will be running in the background so after logging in. You do not need to take any further actions and can start your exam in Brightspace.
- Who can I contact if there is a problem setting up CoMaS?
If you encounter any technical issues, please submit an exam support request for e-Proctoring subject via (please specify your course, operating system and version and include screenshots of the error).
Scheduling and Examination Services will be running drop-in sessions where we can help troubleshoot installation issues. Please check the events sections for any upcoming drop-in sessions.
- I have lost my Internet connection during my exam. Do I need to run CoMaS again when my connection recovers?
CoMaS continues to gather information even without an Internet connection, so you should not close the application during the exam. When the connection is established again, it will send all the gathered information to the server automatically.
- What if CoMaS crashes or stops working during the e-Proctoring session?
Run the application again as soon as you know it has crashed. If it asks to replace the folder, click on “Yes and continue”. However, if it does not work despite your best efforts, leave it and attend to your exam. After the exam is over, submit an exam support request (please specify your course, operating system and version and include screenshots of the error) to let us know what happened. We will include your explanations in the report we provide to your course instructor.
- Can I see the screenshots and webcam shots and other information gathered?
Yes, they are saved in the CoMaS folder on your desktop. There is a folder for each exam and test activity you do. There is a folder inside each activity called Screens that stores the screenshots and webcams shots and another one called Logs that keeps the log reports. Please remember that you should not delete or move these files while the exam is in progress. You can delete them after the exam is done.
- How is my information transferred and stored?
All the information captured will be saved on your computer inside the CoMaS folder. It will be sent securely to a server located at Carleton University. The transmission and storage of information follows Carleton’s privacy and security policies.
Hybrid CoMaS FAQs
- What happens if I move files to a different location or save them to my device?
If you move the files to a different location or save them to your device, you may encounter issues with saving your answers on Comas. This could lead to a loss of your data.
- How can I submit my exam once I’ve completed it if I am using the Hybrid CoMaS
After finishing your writing, make sure to save the files and close Comas. Properly saving and closing Comas is important to ensure the files are uploaded correctly.
- Is it possible to use MS Office online with Hybrid CoMaS?
No, you can’t utilize Office 365 online for the exam. You’ll need to have MS Word, MS Excel, and other relevant applications installed beforehand.
- Is it possible to view session screenshots on my desktop as with a Standard Comas session?
Unfortunately, the hybrid mode doesn’t save any screenshots on the student’s device. For setup verification, please contact Onlineexams
- My exam will be conducted through Hybrid CoMaS. How do I provide my answers?
Once you’ve initiated the Hybrid CoMaS, a Word or Excel file will automatically pop up in your File Explorer or Finder. This is where you’ll provide your answers. You can also access this from the CoMaS Exam webpage. Please ensure you do not save this file in a different location or make copies of it.
- How can I confirm that my Hybrid Comas configuration is functioning properly?
Kindly reach out to onlineexams, and they will assist in checking and confirming your setup.
- Do I need a camera for the Comas Hybrid mode?
For in-person exams, camera may not be required. However, for online or distance exams, use of camera is mandatory. This is applicable for both the standard CoMaS and Hybrid
- How does the hybrid mode compare to the standard CoMaS mode?
In the Hybrid mode, access is restricted to only approved websites during the examination. All non-approved sites are temporarily inaccessible. For certain exam settings where CoMaS is the required submission method, a Word or Excel file will automatically pop up in a File Explorer/Finder window when you initiate CoMaS. You should provide your answers in this file.
- How should I log in to Hybrid Comas to properly setup the session?
To log in to Comas and set up the session properly, you’ll need to run Comas as an administrator. On a Windows system, you can right-click on the app and choose “Run as administrator.” If you’re using a Mac, once you log into Comas, you will be prompted to enter your Apple ID to obtain administrator permissions.
CoMaS Privacy and Security
- What information does CoMaS gather?
CoMaS only monitors activity after you run the application and it is successfully logged in. While monitoring, CoMaS does these tasks:
- Screenshots and snapshots of the webcam are taken at a random interval and transmitted securely to the server. This information is also available locally on your computer in the CoMaS folder.
- It records if a snapshot or file, inside the CoMaS folder, has been deleted or modified while the application is running. (If CoMaS stops working during the exam and you need to run it again, overwriting and replacing the folder is permitted)
- It will record if a network connection is lost.
- If you have a document open or modify a document (pdf, doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, py, java, html, htm) while running CoMaS, it will record the name and path of that document and name of the application that opened or modified it. It will not look at the content of any file including the open ones.
- It does not record or look inside any of your files and documents (except for the files inside the CoMaS folder which are generated on the desktop each time you log in).
- It does not record any information from your browser history, cache, or cookies.
- It does not look at network traffic and does not probe devices with which you communicate.
- It does not record what applications you are running (however, if that application modifies a document of the mentioned types, it will record the path and name of the file and name of the application). Again, it will not read the content of any files.
- Who is liable for the misuse, leakage or theft of student information?
The university is the entity responsible/liable given that there are no third party service providers or processors involved in the process.
- Is there a strong cryptographic hash available with the application download to verify its integrity?
Yes, it is available as of release 0.7.5.
- Has CoMaS undergone an Independent Security Assessment?
Carleton University is performing a data protection risk assessment, but the software has not undergone an independent third-party information security audit.
For the security assessment, we are using the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Risk Management framework (SP800-53) methodology. This is the same level of assessment of security controls that the federal government uses for its information.
- What is the method of encrypting the data? How is it ensured that the data is encrypted at all times including in transit and at rest?
CoMaS uses RESTful interactions for all communications.
In transit:
Protocols used are HTTPS and WSS. No data is sent unencrypted. POST requests are used to hide parameters and their values.
At rest:
Disks support low level encryption. Sensitive information uses file-level AES encryption.
- What specific files and folders does CoMaS have access to?
CoMaS monitors file activity in two forms:
- All open files are detected. No access to those files is attempted. Open files of certain types are logged.
- All file activity within the CoMaS folder and subfolders is monitored. All file creation, deletion and modification is monitored within this folder and its subfolders.
- What are the types of network activity that are logged by CoMaS?
CoMaS does not look at network traffic and does not probe devices with which you communicate. It does not record any information from your browser history, cache, or cookies or any internet connections.
- How is it ensured that all data is permanently deleted, including in backups?
On primary storage, all data can be removed by simple file system manipulation. Primary storage is solid state drive. Secondary storage is mechanical hard drive. Multi-pass erase will remove data.
- How long is student data being stored?
The data will be kept for a period of time consistent with Carleton’s exam-record keeping (Carleton University Retention Schedule – refer to TEA-02 for examinations).
- Where is student information being stored?
The server is located on campus in Herzberg Building, accessible through physical access controls. The machine hosting the data is behind both the Carleton firewall and a secondary device. The data is backed automatically on locally-attached, encrypted storage. The university is responsible for its management.
- What safeguards are in place to mitigate unauthorized access to this data?
The system requires authentication in order to access the data. Accounts require a strong password that is consistent with Carleton University password rules. As well, there is restricted physical access to the server, data in transfer is protected through encryption, and data at rest is stored on encrypted drives.
- Who are the specific organizations, groups, or individuals who have access to the data?
Data in the system: Scheduling and Examination Services e-Proctoring team and Professor Tony White (for CoMaS).
Exam generated data: Course instructor, and the Associate Dean in the case of an alleged Academic Integrity Allegation.
Zoom E-proctoring FAQs
- What are the requirements for participating in the Zoom e-Proctoring session?
To participate in Zoom e-Proctoring session as an exam-taker, you will need the following:
- A primary device, such as a laptop or desktop, to access Brightspace and engage in Zoom chat.
- A secondary device, like a cell phone or tablet, equipped with a webcam and microphone (either built-in or external).
- The Zoom application installed on your devices.
- A reliable high-speed Internet connection.
- A quiet environment free from people or distractions.
- What is the process of using my computer for both Brightspace and e-Proctoring?
To use your computer for both Brightspace and e-Proctoring, you need to have Zoom running in the background while working in Brightspace. It is important to regularly check the Zoom application for any announcements. Another option is to split your screen, dedicating most of the space to Brightspace and keeping the Zoom app window smaller in one corner. You can easily move and resize the Zoom session window according to your convenience.
- I do not meet the technical requirement for e-Proctoring, what should I do?
Please inform the instructor about the current situation while copying onlineexams@carleton.ca.
- What if I have privacy concerns regarding sharing my image through the webcam?
Ask your course instructor about the alternative modes of assessment that are available.
- I am experiencing issues with my screen share or webcam.
Please take a screenshot of an error (if you receive any). If this happens while you are not actually writing an exam, submit an exam support request, with the screenshot attached, and the necessary assistance will be provided to you. If the examination is in progress, inform your proctor and continue the session as usual (if the problem is with the microphone, log in with Listen only). After the exam is over, submit an exam support request with the screenshot attached, and the support team will get in touch with you to troubleshoot the problem before future sessions.
- I currently don’t have internet access, so I need to utilize my cell phone as a hotspot.
Using your cell phone as a hotspot is a suitable solution. It is not necessary to turn off your cell phone, even if it is not being used for e-Proctoring. Please keep it visible at all times.
- I have an upcoming exam, but I’ll be in a country where Zoom might be blocked due to a firewall. What steps should I take to address this issue?
You can test access, as well as the webcam, the screen sharing, and the microphone, on Zoom’s website. If you are unable to access the website, you may need to configure Carleton’s Virtual Private Network (VPN). Please make sure to set up VPN prior to exam day. If you are unable to see or hear yourself, please take a screenshot of the error that you receive (if any) and submit an exam support request with the screenshot attached – the necessary assistance will be provided to you.
- I have misplaced my student ID or do not possess one. Would it still be possible for me to take part?
Yes, you will. In that case, please be prepared to show a government-issued photo ID for the authentication (e.g., a driver’s license, a provincial photo card, or a passport).
- Can I use a scrap paper during my exam?
Yes, you can use scrap paper during the exam if it is authorized by your instructor. It is important, however, to show both sides of the sheets to the proctor to verify they are blank to start with. Use good judgment and follow the instructions when the proctor asks you to show your environment. You may be required to destroy used scrap paper in view of the proctor after the exam.
- What should I do if my parent or housemate came into my room while I was taking my exam?
In case a member of your household enters the room during the assessment and asks an unrelated question, there’s no need to worry. Kindly inform them that you are in the middle of an exam and request them to give you some privacy until the exam is finished.
- I got disconnected from the Zoom call during the e-Proctoring session.
Please re-enter the meeting or use the Zoom activity link to reconnect. After reconnecting, please notify your proctor regarding what occurred.
- What should I do if I require a break during my examination?
If you need to leave your computer’s vicinity with the intention of returning (e.g., to take a washroom break), you are required to let your proctor know beforehand. Please notify them through the chat and wait for their confirmation (similar to the face-to-face procedures). You are not permitted to leave the e-Proctoring session until all students in your course have digitally signed in, which is typically 45 minutes after the start of the exam.
- My Internet connection was disrupted in the midst of the exam, causing me to lose access to Zoom
Please reach out to the Examination Emergency Support team:
Exam-Related Emergency Toll-Free Call Line: 1-877-557-2930 (Canada & USA)
Outside Canada/US Exam Emergency: +1-613-518-2601
Non-Urgent Exam Related Issues: Submit an Exam Support Request
The Emergency Support line operates during the Final Exam and Deferred Exam periods during hours when exams are scheduled. During the teaching semester the support line operates during the exam hours of courses who have opted for one of the McIntyre Exam Centre’s exam services.
By email.
- I have completed the exam and submitted my answers. What should I do now?
Upon completion of your exam, you are required to show the submission page to your proctor via screen sharing or video. Please wait for their confirmation before leaving the e-Proctoring session. We kindly ask you to be patient as your proctor may be signing out other students at the same time.
- Can I wear headphones during the exam?
The same Policy for in-person assessments is applicable to online examinations, therefore, the use of headphones is not permitted. Please ensure that your environment mirrors that of a traditional exam room.
- Am I permitted to use a virtual background or a blur effect for the video?
The use of virtual background or background blur is prohibited for e-Proctoring. Please select ‘x’ (None) for “Virtual background settings”:
- Is there an ideal location to take the exam? What if I have a roommate? (Zoom)
Use a place with good Internet connectivity, low noise, and good lighting. Ensure there is no one around you. Keep your phone off for the entire duration of the exam unless you use it for Zoom If you have a roommate who is taking the same exam, please find a different location to write yours.
e-Proctoring Instructional Videos
All instructional playlist videos
(Includes all CoMaS Hybrid mode videos)
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