The Indigenous Policy and Administration (IPA) program held its second virtual Summer Institute over six weeks in early summer 2021.

Katherine Minich (PAMD 5711) and Jerald Sabin (PADM 5713) collaborated with the School’s team, including Angelique Francis, Sarah Tannahill-Henriquez and teaching assistant Sebastian Murdoch-Gibson to deliver a full program lectures, guest speakers, social events and online activities.

The theme of the 2021 Summer Institute was Inuit Leadership. The IPA team took full advantage of the virtual environment to invite Inuit leaders and policymakers from across Canada to meet with students. The Institute was opened with a guest lecture by Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. President Aluki Kotierk. Students also met with staff and curators from Qaumajuq at the Winnipeg Art Gallery, including Julie Lafreniere, Head of Indigenous Initiatives, Jaimie Isaac, Curator of Indigenous and Contemporary, and Jocelyn Piirainen, Associate Curator of Inuit Art. In collaboration with Nunavut Arctic College Media, we had the opportunity to read John Amagolik’s Changing Face of Canada. The IPA also welcomed School Fellow Catherine MacQuarrie and IPA Course Instructor Craig Brown (PADM 5716) to the Summer Institute.

In lieu of the usual in-person social events that are integral to the Summer Institute, the IPA sent welcome packages to incoming students to build connection, even while staying apart. These packages included copies of Gregory Younging’s Elements of Indigenous Style and sweetgrass scented candles from Kahnawake Mohawk Territory company Sequoia. In 5711, students worked through photovoice projects to closely examine policy interface with everyday life.

The IPA team looks forward to welcoming students back to Carleton University’s campus in June 2022.

Concrete Jungle by Elena Abel

Concrete Jungle by IPA student Elena Abel for the Summer 2021 photovoice project.