Thumbnail image with text "Research summary"As part of our celebration of 80 years of Public Administration, we are sharing Research Summaries each month highlighting some of SPPA’s broad-ranging research.

Here is this month’s Research Summary:

Personality differences between doctors and patients can affect treatment outcomes. Through an observational study using two nationally representative Australian surveys, SPPA Associate Professor Mehdi Ammi and colleagues compare doctors’ personality differences. Implications for clinicians and policymakers: Awareness about differences can improve doctor–patient communication and allow patients to understand and comply with treatment recommendations.  The study also suggests that, given the lack of personality differences found between doctor specialties,  including non-doctor caring professionals in clinical teams will increase personality diversity and, thus, team performance.

Mehdi Ammi

SPPA Associate Professor Mehdi Ammi

PDF of Research Summary

Full paper can be found here

Mehdi Ammi, Jonas Fooken, Jill Klein, Anthony Scott: Does doctors’ personality differ from those of patients, the highly educated and other caring professions? An observational study using two nationally representative Australian surveys, BMJ Open2023;13:e069850. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069850