Mohamed and Almas Lalji

Both Mohamed and Almas Lalji attended Aga Khan schools in Kampala before Mohamed decided to apply for a scholarship to study in Sweden. Almas joined Mohamed in Sweden after they were married but they both returned to Uganda in 1968. Upon their return, Mohamed completed his final degree requirements in Kaliro before being placed just outside of Kampala as a teacher and Almas worked in the Ismaili education department. They both fondly recalled their lives in Uganda. The weather, lifestyle, and way of life was particularly memorable for both Almas and Mohamed.

When the expulsion decree was announced both Almas and Mohamed were Ugandan citizens and were rendered stateless by President Amin’s declaration. Due to Mohamed employment with the government, they were forced to flee within days of the announcement to avoid being held back in Uganda. Fortunately, Almas’ sister had moved to Toronto before the expulsion and they stayed with her after initially flying into Montreal.

Almas found almost immediate employment with the Bank of Montreal and worked there for twentyfive years before retiring. Mohamed’s credentials from the University of Uppsala were eventually recognized in Canada and he was able to work as a lab chemist in Toronto. After a few years at a pharmaceutical company he started his own business supplying products for dental offices. They are both happily retired and incredibly grateful to have raised their two children in Canada.

This oral history was conducted at the Lalji’s home in Toronto, Ontario.

Interview Audio:
