Archival Contributions

Would you like to add your memorabilia and photos to the Uganda Collection at Archives and Special Collections, Carleton University Library? Upload your documents and images below, and we will add your documents to our growing digital archive.

We are looking for the following types of archival contributions and relevant material:

  • Photographs
  • Newspaper or magazine articles
  • Personal documents (passports, identification cards, etc…)
  • Books related to the expulsion
  • Other documentation (reports, correspondence, etc…)

For physical donations, please contact: 

Materials are accepted with the understanding that ownership transfers to the Library. When a gift is accepted by the Library, it is without conditions, restrictions, or commitment on the part of the Library about how, when, or whether it will be processed for the collection. We reserve the right to decide on the retention, location, archival description, use, and disposition of gifts. The Library does generally not provide transportation for gifts and does not return gifts or portions of gifts which are not accepted.

All donations to Archives & Special Collections must adhere to the Library’s gifts policy, and the University’s gift acceptance and gifts in kind policies.